30+ Adsense Wordpress Plugins

Most of the webmasters depend on Google Adsense revenue from their websites.Adding Google Adsense ads in Wordpress Blogs can be a little difficult. In order to help people new Webmasters, I have collected some of the best Adsense Ads PlugIn that is available on the net at the moment for wordpress blogs.

Easy AdSenser

Easy AdSenser provides a very easy way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. With its full set of features, Easy AdSenser is perhaps the first plugin to give you a complete solution for everything that is AdSense related. Features: Remembers AdSense code and your options by theme, so that you don't have to re-enter them if you play with multiple themes.


The ultimate wordpress plugin Features Manage Ads In post ads - Allows you to insert your ads around your content * Insert Ads above the content * Insert Ads below the content * Insert Ads to the left of the post * Insert ads to the right of the post * Option to show ads only on single posts and pages Five ad widgets at your disposal * Go to the widgets page under "Appearance" and place the widgets onto the sidebars you want the ads to appear onto Manage Feeds * Your logo in your feeds * Insert Ads into feeds * Link your feeds to feedburner * Subscribe via Email widget * Subscribe to feed widget Manage Tracking Codes * Insert Google Analytics tracking onto all you blog pages instantly * Paste other tracking code into the header or footer of your blog Manage WYSIWYG editing * Replace TINY MCE with FCK EDITOR * Disable auto formatting done by wordpress (Stops the annoying autoformatting done by wordpress.

AdSense Integrator

This plugin was developed to insert and manage your AdSense ads, based on the last Google rules and AdSense updates.

Go to the official page of the plugin AdSense Integrator to get the last updates and news about it.

It could be used as well for other types of campaigns, like AdBrite, AffiliateBOT, SHAREASALE, LinkShare, ClickBank, Oxado, Adpinion, AdGridWork, Adroll, Commission Junction, CrispAds, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN and others, included custom campaigns (not tested yet).

Advertising Manager

This plugin will manage and rotate your Google Adsense and other ads on your Wordpress blog. It automatically recognises many ad networks including Google Adsense, AdBrite, Adify, AdGridWork, Adpinion, Adroll, Chitika, Commission Junction, CrispAds, OpenX, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN, and WidgetBucks.

AdSense Now!

AdSense Now! is the simplest possible way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. Aiming at simplicity, AdSense Now! does only one thing: it puts your AdSense code in up to three spots in your posts and pages.

1. Enforces the Google policy of not more than three ad blocks per page.
2. Simplest possible configuration interface -- nothing more than cutting and pasting AdSense code.
3. Internationalized with multiple language support.


AdShare allows you to rotate adsense ads based on the author of the current post. See author page for usage.

AdSense Manager

This plugin will manage and rotate your Google Adsense and other ads on your Wordpress blog. It automatically recognises many ad networks including Google Adsense, AdBrite, Adify, AdGridWork, Adpinion, Adroll, Chitika, Commission Junction, CrispAds, OpenX, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN, and WidgetBucks. Unsupported ad networks can be used as well.

Simple AdSense Insert

Simple AdSense Insert provides a basic way of inserting AdSense adverts into your WordPress installation, whilst having full control of display and content. If you've not done so already, create your AdSense advert. The code you are provided provides the parameters that are required by Simple AdSense Insert.

All in One Adsense and YPN

All in One Adsense and YPN is a Free and Open Source Wordpress plugin which is able to automatically insert google adsense ads or yahoo publisher network (YPN) ads in to your posts on the fly

Ads Adder

This plugin is used to add adsense code in the bellow title and bellow content . So it will be easier to do adsense management

Smart Ads

Smart Ads automatically inserts advertisements like Google's Adsense above and below your post content. These advertisements are only visible when viewing a single post

AdSense Anna

with this widget / plugin you can easyly add an adsense banner to your wordpress sidebar. no coding needet! no editing of yout template needed.

Adsense Attachment Page

This great way to earn some money and show large images in new window. This plugin show attachments with thumbnail image, and when you click on it will show image in full size. You can setup plugin not to show image in full size if you want.

AdSense Revenue Sharing 1.2

AdSense Revenue Sharing is a wordpress plugin which allows you to easy display ads in your posts by using a quicktag and share your adsense impressions with your friends and co-authors. To dispaly the ads you can either insert anywhere in your post or use the quicktag button. For configuration go to Options>Revenue Sharing


AdSense-Deluxe2 Plugin for WPMU and Standalone WordPress with revenue share functionality.


Googmonify lets you insert Google AdSense ad units into your posts with easy to use tag sets (requires a Google AdSense account). Googmonify can also insert your Google Analytics tracking code in to every page on your blog help so you can keep accurate statistics.

Adsense Under Image

Places specified Adsense code under the first image in a post. If there are no images no Adsense code will be insterted. Also the ads will only appear in single post pages

Shylock AdSense

WhyDoWork Adsense is a WordPress plugin that allows you to insert Adsense ads on your blog without modifying the template. More then that, you can set it up to show different Adsense ads for articles older then X days

Adsense Injection

Adsense Injection plugin just takes a random paragraph (or br tag) break in your article and inserts adsense code. It does one per story on multi-post pages (home, archive, category) and let’s you pick how many to show on single post pages. It lets you pick how many total ads to show at any time as well (0-3) and it lets you set the formats and colors you want it to randomly select from.

Google Ad Wrap - Section Targeting

Section Targeting is a way of embedding special tags inside HTML to give Google's omnipresent spider a better idea of what's important on your page. This is a really simple plugin that wraps posts and comments inside these tags, in the hope that they'll lead to better search rankings.

Adsense Inline

This plugin is pretty straightforward. Put it in your wp-content/plugins directory, then go to your Plugins configuration page and click Activate.You’ll need to customize the Adsense code in the plugin itself. Look in the adsense.php file.

Mighty Adsense Wordpress plugin

It will allow you to host the code in wordpress without having to modify the templates. Google ads is displayed in post item and you can specify how many block its going to show up in a page. Ads preview tool included in control panel.

Adsense Beautifier

Adsense beautifier is a plugin available for Wordpress to make your Adsense look beautiful in order to increase you Adsense earnings. Images adjacent to ads can help increase click through rate (CTR).

Author Advertising Wordpress Plugin

This plugin allows blog admins to create a revenue sharing program utilising one of the many advertising programs out there i.e Yahoo, Google Adsense, Amazon, Allposters etc. It can also be used as a banner manager, author photo/website widgets.. actually it has about a zillion uses. Give it a try and lemme know if you use it for anything really groovy.

AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System

AdSense Earnings Plugin can show you, in real time, your AdSense Earnings for today or selected date range. You are able to view this in your WP panel or directly in your blog with a simple line of code.

Adsense Wordpress Plugin

There is an awesome wordpress plugin available to get your adsense earning details within wordpress admin panel.

With the AdSense Earnings WordPress plugin you can:

* Check your daily earnings in your DashBoard or Options page
* Check your earnings for specific period
* Show to the public how many $ you made today


WP Politifier enforces a certain level of politeness in your comments, replacing recognized swear words with acronym'ed asterisks. The original text is preserved in the title attribute, visible on mouseover.

Adsense Attachment Page

This great way to earn some money and show large images in new window. This plugin show attachments with thumbnail image, and when you click on it will show image in full size. You can setup plugin not to show image in full size if you want.

WP Simple Adsense Insertion

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Google Adsense to your posts, pages and sidebar by using a trigger text or calling the php function.

AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin

AdSense-Deluxe is an easy-to-use plugin for WordPress 1.5+ (including WP 2.0) for quickly inserting Google or Yahoo! ads into your blog posts, and managing when and where those ads are displayed.

Google Adsense Ads by SAN

It is very easy way to add google adsense codes past into admin panel and those display on front end, but little changes needed

Google Adsense for Feeds

This puts Google RSS Ads in your feed, make sure you fill in your publisher ID by editing the plugin file.

Ozh' Who Sees Ads

Who Sees Ads is an advanced ad management plugin that lets you decide who will see your ads, for instance Adsense, depending on user defined conditions. You can manage ads in your templates (eg sidebar.php) or within posts and pages.

Context Ad Wrapper

his plugin will mark the key parts of a blog post so that context based ad services can identify the post content and comments for the best ad matching (thus avoiding the static content that is irrelevant for context ad matching).

So hope you guys might have liked this collection of adsense plugins. In this collection , few plug in are compatible with other advertising networks too.

If you came across any good adsense plugin , let me know via comments . I will include them too in this list.

Screen resolution CSS hack for web designers

Most of us might have noticed that our sites may look different in different screen resolutions. Though I have already posted one article on making website layout cross browser compatible , but its also necessary to make your site compatible for different screen resolutions. The visitors of your site will not have same screen resolution your are using. So it's mandatory to make your site compatible for different screen resolutions. For example, In lower screen resolutions like 800x600 px the website layout will be perfect. But when you look at your site at a higher screen resolution like 1024x768 px or even higher , the website header or sidebar may be aligned to either right or left. It's all because the designer might have designed the site for a particular screen resolution. In the screen resolution he was working , the site may look perfect. But when it comes to higher screen resolution , the theme may be misaligned.

what is the best screen resolution settings?

One can't design a website for a particular screen resolution, because visitors will have different screen resolutions. According to me , the best screen resolution on which the designer should be concentrating on should be higher than 1024px. For example if you take techieblogger's last month stats , most of my visitors are using higher screen resolution.

screen resolution compatibility

Some of the web designers use JavaScript to control the screen resolution compatibility. But it will reduce the site loading time.Instead of using JavaScript , I will explain how to make your site higher screen resolution compatible by making changes in CSS codes.

CSS controlling the alignment of the layout

Before explaining the original hack, first let me describe about the css code which controls the layout alignment.

margin: auto;

The simple margin tag in CSS controls the alignment of the site layout in different screen resolutions. I have selected auto to change the layout alignment in accordance with the visitors screen resolution.

Screen resolution compatible CSS - Blogger users

In order to make changes to your CSS code in blogger blogs , follow the below steps.

step 1 : First go to Layout section of your blog.
step2 : Then navigate to EDIT HTML page

Now add the margin: auto; tag in the css codes of the following sections.
  • Header

  • Outer wrapper

  • content wrapper

  • wrapper

  • Footer

If one more sections are missing in your style sheet , then insert that code in the respective div sections used in your blogger template.

Screen resolution compatible CSS - Wordpress Users

To edit the css code in your wordpress blogs, follow the below steps.

first go to appearance option in your wordpress dashboard. Then go to EDITOR page. In that page , add the css code margin: auto; in the following css sections.

  • Header

  • Outer wrapper

  • content wrapper

  • wrapper

  • single entry

  • Footer

how to change screen resolution

For checking your site compatibility with different screen resolutions do any one of the below steps.

how to get a higher screen resolution on windows vista/XP

To change the screen resolution of your PC , do the following steps.Right click on your desktop , then click the option "Properties" there.A new window will open. Now navigate to "settings " tab. There you can see a slider to change the screen resolution. With that slider you can either increase or decrease. After you chose a particular screen resolution , click apply. It will give you a warning message click "ok".

properties window

Now open the browser and visit your site for compatibility.

how to set screen resolution using keyboard hotkey

You can also check the compatibility of your site with different screen resolutions with simple keyboard short keys.
First go to your blog and do the following :
To reduce the screen resolution , press "ctrl" and scroll down the mouse roller.
press " ctrl " button and press "-" button.

To increase the screen resolution, click "ctrl" and "+" button or else press " ctrl " and scroll up the mouse roller.

With the above keyboards hotkeys , you can check the screen resolution compatibility of your site.

Hope this article will be useful for all web designers who want to create wordpress themes or blogger templates which are higher screen resolution compatible. If you have any problem with your website layout alignment, then please email me about the issue.

Converting Wordpress themes to Blogger Templates

It's being longtime I have ripped a Wordpress theme to use in Blogger Beta. Many users ask me for wordpress theme conversion in Google talk. I thought it would be great to open a thread in Techie blogger itself , so that all my readers can give me suggestions. I can rip any existing wordpress theme to blogger template or I can customize your existing Blogger template.

Some Blogger use to demand money to rip wordpress themes to blogger templates , But I am going to do this for free. So No need to pay 10$ for any site to get your desired wordpress theme to use in Blogger. You can request conversion of any wordpress theme here via comments. If more users recommend the same theme or if I feel it to be a professional one, I will rip that wordpress theme to Blogger Beta Template.

Customizing Blogger Templates

If you have any errors in Blogger templates , then you can contact me via gtalk. I can help you to fix errors online itself.

You can contact me via Google Talk for any of these services :

  1. Ripping Wordpress themes to Blogger templates

  2. Fixing errors in Blogger Templates

  3. Making your CSS code compatible for all browsers

  4. Fixing XML or CSS errors

  5. SEO tips

Show Adsense ads below post title

In this tutorial I will explain how to place Adsense ads below post title in Blogger Blogs with lots of customization tips. You might have noticed that most of the bloggers show Google adsense ads below title to increase their Click through rate and earnings.

According to Google adsense help pages " Where to place adsense ads ?". Placing adsense ads below title and above article content can bring high ctr and performance.

Adsense ads Below post title

This "heat map" illustrates the ideal placing on a sample page layout. The colors fade from dark orange (strongest performance) to light yellow (weakest performance). So it's clear from the heat map that the adsense ads below post title can bring high ctr.

How to add Adsense ads below post title ?

It's really very easy to add adsense ads below post title in blogger. Inorder to add adsense ads below post title ,just follow the below steps.

Before adding the adsense ads to blogger templates , we need to encode our adsense ads code.If you add the adsense code without encoding then you can't see any adsense ads below post title.

Encoding Adsense Ad Code ?

To encode adsense ads, first create an adsense ad and then visit centricle website to encode. In centricle web page , you need to paste your adsense code in the text area and then click " Encode ". Copy the encoded code. Now your adsense code is ready to be added to blogger template.

Adding adsense ad code to blogger template

step 1 : Go to layout section of your blogger template and then navigate to EDIT HTML sub tab. There check the "Expand Widget Templates ".

step2 : Look up the following tag : <p><data:post.body/></p> and paste the encoded adsense ad code above that tag.

Then click save. That's it Now we have added the adsense ad code below the post title in blogger blog successfully.

Customizing Adsense ads

Here are the few customization tips , which you can apply to increase your CTR.You might have seen that most of the bloggers will show more than Three posts in home page / labels page / archives page. But as per adsense TOS we can show only Three ads per page. So due to this we will see some blank spaces between post title and content , when the three adsense ads are already loaded.In order to avoid this error , we can show adsense ads only in Post pages i.e pages containing articles.

Showing adsense Ad only in Post pages

In order to implement this hack in your blogger template. you need to change the encoded adsense ad code to this.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
Encoded Adsense code here

Now paste this code above <p><data:post.body/></p>

Making adsense ads to Float

After adding the adsense ad code to your templates , you can see that by default the adsense ad code will not allow any text to be shown nearby it.

So in order to overcome this error , we need to add some CSS codes to make adsense ad code to float either left or right.

For this we just need to modify the encoded adsense code to be added in step 2.

replace that encoded code with this one :

<div style="float:left;padding:5px;">

encoded adsense ad code here


Change the text in red to make adsense ad to float either to left or right.

My suggestion

According to me , instead of showing adsense ads in all pages ( home page , archives page and labels page ) , we can show adsense ads only in post pages to increase our ctr. If you are using the " Read More hack for Blogger with automatic Thumbnail creator script " then it's advisable to show adsense ads only in post pages.

Hope you guys will like this hack. If you need any more customization , then give me your suggestions via comments.

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