You might have noticed that since few weeks I have been using a strange script which enables us to summarize content and show only the summary with a thumbnail in Home Page , Archives page and Labels page.
Since some of my readers requested this hack in gtalk , so I am going to explain How to add this hack to your blogger template.
Before going into this , I would like to mention the previous versions of this created by some of my fellow Bloggers.
But these versions had some disadvantages like :
1. It can't automatically create summaries.
We need to add the following tag in all post pages while writing new posts
Type your summary here
<span id="fullpost">
Type rest of the post here
<span id="fullpost">
Type rest of the post here
2. This feature can be available only for future posts.
That is if you already have 50 posts in your blog and then after that you are adding this hack to your template then you need to add the above tag in each and every previous 50 posts to make this hack working. But it's a tedious process.3. Can't create Thumbnails automatically
This hack can't create automatic thumbnails for posts.
Now a new version has been developed by my blogger friends. I would like to share that new version of read more hack with you all.
Read More hack with automatic Thumbnail creator script
This hack has overcome all the drawbacks of the previous version of read more hack. This hack is developed by Blogsphera . ( Translated version ).
Let's see the installation instructions :
Adding the Javascript in the header
To add the javascript files to the header , first login to your blogger account. Then navigate to Layout section of your blog and then move to EDIT HTML sub tab.There search for this tag : </head>
Now place the follwing code above that tag </head> :
<SCRIPT type='text/javascript'> var thumbnail_mode = "no-float" ; summary_noimg = 500; summary_img = 400; img_thumb_height = 130; img_thumb_width = 281; </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src='' type='text/javascript'/>
then save your template.
Final step : ADD the code in post body
Now check " Expand Widget Templates " option in the edit html page. And then search for this tag<p><data:post.body/></p>
Now replace that whole tag with the code below :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<b:else/><DIV expr:id='"summary" +'><p><data:post.body/></p></DIV> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</SCRIPT> <div style='clear: both;'/> <div style='border:0px;padding-top:5px;;float:right;text-align:right;'><span class='readon'><a expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark'><img src=''/></a></span></div>
<b:else/><DIV expr:id='"summary" +'><p><data:post.body/></p></DIV> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</SCRIPT> <div style='clear: both;'/> <div style='border:0px;padding-top:5px;;float:right;text-align:right;'><span class='readon'><a expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark'><img src=''/></a></span></div>
You can now preview your template and then save it.
it will look like this :

Customizing The code
Now let us see how to customize the code to suit your style :- var thumbnail_mode = "no-float"; By default i have selected no-float. That the image will be unformatted. If you want the thumbnail to be shown only on left use the option " float " instead of "no-float".
- summary_noimg = 500 ; This code will decide how much characters must be shown in the post if that post doesn't contain any images. I have selected 500 characters.. you can customize it to suit ur template.
- summary_img = 400 ;
- img_thumb_height = 130; This tag decides the height of the thumbnail to be shown in the post. Vary the number 130 to suit your template.
- img_thumb_width = 281 ; This tag decides the width of the Thumbnail image to be shown.
If the post contains image , then this code will decide how many characters must be shown in that post. Change the number of characters to be shown to suit your template.
Adding read more image
The author of this hack haven't included any read more buttons in this hack. But I have modified the code and have included a image to link to the full post.
If you want to change the image then replace the url of the image with your own image
or if you don't need any read more button , then replace the code in final step to this one :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<b:else/><DIV expr:id='"summary" +'><p><data:post.body/></p></DIV> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</SCRIPT> <div style='clear: both;'/><div style='border:0px;padding-top:5px;;float:right;text-align:right;'><span class='readon'><a expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark'>Read More...</a></span></div>
<b:else/><DIV expr:id='"summary" +'><p><data:post.body/></p></DIV> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</SCRIPT> <div style='clear: both;'/><div style='border:0px;padding-top:5px;;float:right;text-align:right;'><span class='readon'><a expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark'>Read More...</a></span></div>
change the tag in red to suit your style.
Hope I have explained everything in this script. if you need any other modification or help please feel free to add to gtalk. I love to help you guys.
on May 14, 2009 at 6:33 AM
This is a wonderful hack Rias, but there is a slight glitch. For those (like me), who uses Adsense codes inside their template to be displayed below the post, it would not be possible to display more than 3 posts on the home page. That is because the Adsense ads would be visible outside the post's "Read more..." link. Is there a solution to that? If there is then this is the best thing that has even happened to Blogger.
on May 14, 2009 at 6:44 AM
@ Rajtilak Bhattacharjee
friend by showing adsense ads in Home Page , Archives Page or labels page you can't make much money since the ctr will be low and also the reader would like to jump to some link..
so the bounce rate in homepage will be high.. It's better you can show ur ads in post pages only..
by using
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
this tag u can show adsense ads only in post pages... i will post an article on this soon..
Mohamed Rias
on May 18, 2009 at 7:58 PM
This hack is introduced during 2008 November mate my me and published various languages...
This hack is not succeeded since i have made it on only on characters count to and eventually it failed since it does not give proper formatting and if the JS has been a Great problem in IE and so i stopped it further development...
So it may sometimes make our blog to look not too clean...
One more thing using this script will always load the fullpost and a part of text will be hidden by using Javascript mate..
Thats it...
on May 18, 2009 at 8:39 PM
@ Guidetotech
thanks for the info.. I will fix those bugs soon.. and will release new version of this hack soon.
MOhamed Rias
on May 21, 2009 at 9:34 AM
I found an amendment from Here's the script I posted:
It can be seen here at the blog I set up to test the template:
on May 22, 2009 at 11:05 AM
Nice post Mohamed.
I'd like to post it on my blog (an italian blog) can'I?
on May 22, 2009 at 6:49 PM
@ Dr.Denvoizer ,
ya sure.. you can translate this post.
Mohamed Rias
on May 23, 2009 at 10:50 AM
Ficou ótimo!
on May 29, 2009 at 8:06 PM
on June 10, 2009 at 10:17 AM
on June 11, 2009 at 5:56 AM
thanqs for this post...
but i want to add read more button for select post only..
i mean read more link i want add for selected posts only ....
pls help i struggle for this for long time.....
This is my blog
on June 14, 2009 at 11:14 PM
thank you so much for this post, I added it to my newest blog and it works great!
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